4C Offshore Empowering Intelligence

BorWin2 Converter

The BorWin2 project is a 800MW DC link which is used to feed large quantities of wind power into the grid. The land route from Hilgenriedersiel to Diele is 75 km long which will run parallel to the first route for the BorWin1 project. TenneT awarded Siemens the contract for this project. Originally Global Tech I and Veja Mate were connected to BorWin2 in 2015. In summer 2019 the 400MW grid connection of Global Tech I will be transferred from BorWin2 to BorWin3. The available capacity will be used to connect Deutsche Bucht and Albatros. Two 155kV AC cables will connect the 268.8MW DBU project in 2019. The 117MW Albatros project will also connect via a 155kV cable in 2019. Still connected to Veja Mate.
4C Offshore | BorWin2
BorWin2 Converter


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